Womb Wellness
Our wombs are a place of possibility, birth, pleasure and celebration.
They are also a place of silence, secrets, loss, shame and pain.
Womb wellness means having a conscious, empowered relationship with this sacred place of cyclical wisdom, magic and mystery. Our bodies carry inherited and passed down stories of womanhood from our own birth, our mother, and lineages. Through connecting with your cycle, honoring your experiences, healing and reclaiming you gain access to your generative energy of creation — be that for health, a child or your work in the world.

Womb Tending
These sessions serve to awaken and activate your relationship to your womb, cyclical wisdom and feminine power.
Together we explore ways to connect to the energy within as a source of inner guidance and wisdom. You will heal and integrate experiences that may be keeping you from having the intimacy and empowerment you long for.
Learning more about the sacred women’s mysteries and tending to your inner experiences - including loss and traumas - requires safe space holding. I am honored to support you.
This work is vitally supportive for conception, pregnancy and postpartum women to prepare and integrate their childbirth experience and the rite of passage to mother.
Some of what we can explore
Connecting with your menstrual cycle, difficult menses
Womb clearing and activating
Energetic connections with past and present lovers
Sexual events
Inter-generational lineage stories and patterns
Fertility and conception support
Postpartum and childbirth Integration
Losses such as surgeries, miscarriage, abortion
“There are places in my music and craft which have opened up profoundly as a result of my working with Layla. I have connected to my own lineage healing through my womb and ongoing relationship to my moon cycle. Having a guide and way-shower, as I learn to navigate my body and the messages I receive has been of indescribable benefit. Her mentorship, tracking and consistent holding of me has been an essential grounding and nourishing force in my life. It has helped me cultivate more trust in myself, my relationship with the earth, and I now have a sense of strength and confidence which has opened many doors in my music and life.”
— Marya Stark, Music Therapist - Voice of My Womb

Honoring Pregnancy Loss & Other Losses
Many, if not all, women experience some kind of loss that is directly related to their womb; endometriosis, infertility, miscarriage, abortion, sexual trauma, surgeries and hysterectomy, loss of a child or other personal experiences.
Honoring these events, often held in secret, is an important part of healing and empowerment. Bringing presence, care, skill and compassion I can support your journey so you can reconnect with your inner power, pleasure and potency.

Planning, Pregnant and Postpartum
I am honored to support you as a spiritual midwife through your conception, pregnancy, birth and as you step across the threshold to being a mother/parent and welcoming your baby.
This journey is an initiation that is complex, powerful and calls for planning.
The future ones requested and informed me on how to help you prepare. Our work together will support and nurture you on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, ancestral and energetic.
Through this inner-work you will gain increased awareness, presence, confidence and empowerment so you can meet parenthood consciously with strength, beauty, intimacy and grace. Our time will include exploration of your birth story, preparing your womb, your conception journey, connecting with your baby, epigenetics/lineage, soul contracts and agreements. We will prepare you for childbirth and create a postpartum plan for being with your baby and new family. This is available for men/partners, and couples to make this potent transition together.