Are you looking to have more connection, intimacy and love?
I celebrate and want that for you!

Relationships are magical and complex. They are the foundation of life giving connection as well as the source of pain and growth.
I support individuals, couples and families to recognize, heal and transform the things that are preventing connection. I help you navigate your relationships with more awareness and cultivate the needed skills so that you can be safe to open your heart, love and care deeply and have more joyful connections.
I bring all my gifts and skills around conscious communication, energetic boundaries, early childhood and attachment as well as my intuitive insights and somatic awareness. I am committed to empowering you with tools that you can use in every relationship to build trust, safety and intimacy.
In general we are all lacking awareness and skills around how to communicate and create emotional connection. Most of us aren’t taught how to acknowledge rupture and create repair. Things like consent, accountability and forgiveness are skills that take learning and practice.
Some of what we will address and explore
Communication Skills: NVC, active/reflective listening, rupture & repair
Your unique needs for receiving and feeling loved, appreciated and understood
Early childhood attachment and survival strategies that may still be operating subconsciously and impacting all your relationships – including how you know yourself
Healthy Boundaries: Safety, trust, consent, agreements and accountability
Relationship Dynamics: Male/female, beyond gender, past relationships
Inherited lineage and family of origin stories, patterns and trauma that may be impacting you
Pregnancy & Parenting Journey: Consciously growing a family
“Layla has this way about her, I call it her bag of tricks... she pulls in at just the right moment an exercise or question that is able to show me clearly more of myself and where my resistance was. She is extremely intuitive, that coupled with her years of training and ability to apply it…has been integral to having so much clarity in my relationships and businesses and why I am succeeding on my true path. Committing to love, life, and settling deeper into spirit, I couldn't have surrendered to marriage and becoming a father without her guidance. If you are circling similar issues you should allow this magic woman to offer you some steps onto a new path, your true path.”
— Jonah Mesritz
“Layla has the unique capability of meeting people right where they're at. Skilled in several modalities, she provides feedback on multiple levels- physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually. The work that she has done with my husband and I has been invaluable to the fortification of our marriage and preparation to bring in a new life to this world with open eyes, enhanced communication skills, more response-ability.
We are thankful that she is on our spiritual board of advisors. Every couple wanting to have longevity in their relationship should consider this work.”
— Jessica Shinners, MFT