Planning • Pregnant • Postpartum

Planning, Pregnant and Postpartum
I am honored to support you as a spiritual midwife through your conception, pregnancy, birth and as you step across the threshold to being a mother/parent and welcoming your baby.
This journey is an initiation that is complex, powerful and calls for planning.
The future ones requested and informed me on how to help you prepare. Our work together will support and nurture you on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, ancestral and energetic.
Through this inner-work you will gain increased awareness, presence, confidence and empowerment so you can meet parenthood consciously with strength, beauty, intimacy and grace.
Our time will include exploration of your birth story, preparing your womb, your conception journey, connecting with your baby, epigenetics/lineage, soul contracts and agreements. We will prepare you for childbirth and create a postpartum plan for being with your baby and new family. This is available for men/partners, and couples to make this potent transition together.
Pregnancy Support
I am honored to support women along the inner journey of pregnancy and growing their child. So many challenges can come up along the way: body image issues, discomfort, loss of identity, fears and concerns, insecurity, relationship wobbles, memories and other bumps in the road that can interfere with gaining the confidence needed on the motherhood journey. Pregnancy is a major initiatory experience; you are living between the worlds, full of the mystery of creating a child. You deserve support and care along the way so this can be a sacred, magical and beautiful life event.
New Mother ~ Post-Partum Integration
Childbirth is a powerful and momentous experience for mother, baby and the others in attendance. My special training in pre and perinatal somatic support can help you both/all to integrate and find a healthy place of connection and co-regulation. This can greatly improve bonding and attachment, latching, breastfeeding, colic, sleeplessness, prevent/decrease depression and help you regain your energy and connection.
Integration is beneficial for all births. It is especially important to consider if any unexpected or difficult events took place during childbirth. In this space you can give yourself time to process your birth story and honor your feelings and experiences. For instance, emotions, sensations or experiences that feel unsettled or activating for you or your child are events to focus on integrating.
Postpartum lasts a lifetime, so it is never too late to process and integrate your birth - even many years later. It is common that close to your child’s birthday/your childbirth anniversary, the memories and feelings become more accessible. Giving birth is one of life’s greatest mysteries and it takes time and support to integrate and arrive on the other side as mother, baby and family.
Understanding your own Birth Story
Understanding your own birth story will help you discover your early imprints and subconscious beliefs about life and birth.
Everything that happened while you were in utero, birth and early childhood is held in your body and nervous system. These implicit memories can show up as confusion, anxiety, fears and insecurity.
Your early imprints affect you in various ways, such as your attachment style and your ability to feel safe, fully rest, feel confident and bond with others. These imprints can come up strongly if you are trying to conceive, pregnant or a new parent. Offering yourself to this work is especially important for anyone on the path to having children and becoming parents.
This is how inter-generational cycles are healed.
We know that babies are aware and responding at early phases of pregnancy, learning and imprinting from their mother’s feelings and responses to her world. Some of your feelings may be imprints from your mother and other primary caregivers and even inherited through epigenetics and ancestral patterns. I can support you to discover and untangle these often invisible feelings and patterns that are impacting your life and keeping you from having the love, relationships, career and family you want.
“Working with Layla during my pregnancy was one of the most significant things I did. Realizing the historical birth and ancestral patterns at play and reconnecting to my lineage gave me a deep sense of understanding, belonging and support to bring my child into the world. The couples work we did allowed us to be more at choice about becoming parents. Since it was an unexpected pregnancy we were quite overwhelmed and unsure. Layla’s support helped us find our ground, commitment and “yes.” Having her support through pregnancy and into parenthood has been a powerful contribution to the health of our family. Becoming a mother has been more gracious for her presence in my life.”
— CM